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Ministry of Production – Digital Content and Services

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    Journey maps

About the project

Ripio grew rapidly and became a company of over 100 employees. With this growth arose different issues and the need to rethink the methodologies of work to give an order.

Of the hand of the consultant Betina Garcia Nogues we work at different stages, helping them to structure the team to be more efficient and to improve the scalability of the business.


Develop a secure platform and intuitive that gives the user information about the restrictions, access, expiration of the links, among other things, integrating external processes and offline on the platform. The platform integrates with other platforms working inter-ministerialmente.

Design a dashboard that integrates actions of different levels of users.


Define the primary user, to understand how to use the system, in which context and what is the flow of both digital and face-to-face to be able to access the information.

In parallel, he worked to promote the value of work focused on the user, applying methodologies of co-creation with interdisciplinary teams and builds a culture of work.


Ministry of Production – Digital Content and Services

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    Journey maps

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